Hair filler

Treatment details

Hair filler en Guadalajara

Hair filler en Guadalajara
“Density and vitality for your hair.”
Es un revitalizador del folículo piloso y del cuero cabelludo está compuesto por ácido hialurónico y péptidos los cuales se inyectan en el sitio de la depresión de la capa de la dermis del cuero cabelludo y ayuda a la prevención de la pérdida del cabello , la recuperación y cuidado del cuero cabelludo .*incluye una jeringa de 1 ml .


Facial Harmonization Clinics

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La cadena #1 de clínicas de armonización facial en México. Con ubicaciones en CDMX, Guadalajara y Cancún.

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Hair filler en Guadalajara

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Hair Filler Treatment

How does it work?

The Hair Filler treatment is a revolutionary procedure that seeks to revitalize both the hair follicle and the scalp. This is a step-by-step summary of how it works:

  1. Initial Consultation:

    • A detailed evaluation is performed to determine the specific areas to treat and ensure the treatment is right for you.
  2. Scalp Preparation:

    • The area to be treated is carefully cleaned and prepared to ensure effective application.
  3. Hair Filler Injection:

    • The Hair Filler, composed of hyaluronic acid and peptides, is injected into the dermis layer of the scalp in the identified areas.
  4. Revitalization and Prevention:

    • The active components work to revitalize hair follicles, promoting a healthier scalp and helping to prevent hair loss.


  • Hair Loss Prevention:

    • The active ingredients in Hair Filler work to prevent hair loss and promote scalp health.
  • Hair Follicle Revitalization:

    • Hyaluronic acid and peptides revitalize hair follicles, promoting stronger, healthier hair growth.
  • Scalp Recovery and Care:

    • This treatment cares for and restores the health of the scalp, improving its condition and contributing to the general quality of the hair.

Each session includes a 1 ml syringe of Hair Filler, and results can be seen after just a few sessions, giving you healthier, more resistant hair. Discover the difference with our Hair Filler treatment!

Tienes preguntas sobre Hair filler en Guadalajara?

Nuestros médicos especialistas están disponibles para contestar cualquier pregunta. We speak English 🇺🇸

Post-treatment recommendations for Hair filler

‘-Evita la exposición directa al sol al menos una semana después del tratamiento. -No acudas a saunas, piscinas o baños de vapor las primeras 24 horas. -Evitar rascar la zona de aplicación



todos nuestros tratamientos médicos son realizados por médicos certificados y especializados en medicina estética

Dra. Maricela Ramos

Médico Líder de Sucursal FACEUP CLINICS Guadalajara Providencia. Cédula: #11578364 Universidad Guadalajara LAMAR Aviso de funcionamiento: 2414105036X01346

“We believe that each patient is unique, and this is how their journey towards beauty and well-being should be”

With cutting-edge technology, quality products, and top-notch personalized attention, we are committed to achieving results that not only beautify, but also empower. 

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